Kids and Money – Fun ways your crew can earn some cash this summer

Summer is the perfect time for kids to explore the concept of earning their own money. They have more time to come up with ideas, to plan what they need to do, and they can give their venture plenty of energy and focus. The world is full of opportunities and never has it been more important to share this idea with our children than today. With constant messages about the negative things going on in the world, it is even more critical that parents provide positive messages so children feel hope and optimism about the future.

As with any venture, it is critical for our kids to ask good questions before setting out. Determining what the needs are in the “market” around them and what they enjoy doing are good places to start.

You can use the list below to begin and then have your children add to it. This makes for a fun discussion and can help narrow down their interests. Have them circle their top five choices and think about the “why” behind their choices. This may help them think of more ideas and it’s a fun way of going through the critical decision-making process.

Summer 2022 Entrepreneurial Ventures

Author a book

Babysit/host a story hour

Bake – cupcakes, cookies, pretzels

Breed pets or fish and sell to pet stores or individualsZela Wela Kid sorting bottles

Buy snacks in bulk and sell individually

Care for pets

Clean pools

Collect returnable bottles for the fee

Design brochures/logos/web pages

Host a circus, concert or social –sell food and drinks

Kids sports referee – soccer, hockey, baseball

Landscape – weed, mow, rake. Hire a team and earn a portion of their pay

Lemonade Stand

Make (or decorate) and sell products – themed gift baskets, jams, dressings, soaps, clothes, bracelets, quick stickers, headbands, purses, wallets, pens, jewelry, cards, furniture

Organize – closets, garages

Organize – parties, and special events

Paint – artistic creations

Paint faces/nails –at the farmer’s market, fair, lemonade stand, yard sale, birthday parties

Photographer/Videographer – special occasions, sports games

Set up an arcade

Teach music, fitness

Tutor a subject

Wash Cars

What are some fun ways your kids have earned money over the summer holidays?